
  • 我们在这一领域的丰富经验在美国和外国产生了数以百计(和数百)的授权专利。 我们在软件方面的经验包括进程间架构的改进、密码学、安全、数据库结构和架构、电子商务应用、交付路由的改进、虚拟化以及许多其他创新。

    我们与财富100强公司在这一领域的综合经验已经延续了几十年。 我们倾听与我们合作的发明人所解决的问题和解决方案,同时制定出主张知识产权的战略方针。 我们注意到并准备好了权利要求解释、分割侵权、抽象概念驳回以及其他拥有成熟专利组合的大公司经验丰富的律师所关注的问题。

  • 我们在一系列产品的电气系统和电路方面经验丰富。 我们对依赖 "共振 "和 "零电压 "开关的功率转换器的复杂控制技术感到很舒服,我们积极参与电动汽车和相关基础设施所依赖的技术。 我们在光学和光学系统方面也有经验,包括基于半导体的光学系统。

    我们在半导体和半导体设备制造工艺方面的经验涵盖了低、高电压和功率设备,涉及一系列半导体材料,包括宽带隙材料。 我们的经验还包括数字、模拟和混合格式的集成器件,用于一系列不同的应用。

  • 机械设备和系统需要一种与计算机、软件和电气系统不同的方法。 机械创新往往取决于复杂的空间关系、材料、运动和相互联系。 我们对包括许多活动部件和零件的发明的三维效果图感到满意,我们对这些部件的静态和动态关系的理解为我们与发明者的讨论提供了信息和鼓励。 我们与技术插画师合作,展示必要的视图,以了解每项发明的所有重要特征。

    我们对机械领域特殊问题的理解也延伸到我们与专利审查员的讨论中。 我们知道,软件领域的专利审查员与机械设备和系统领域的专利审查员对待专利申请的眼光是不同的,因此我们总是对我们的方法进行调整。

  • 人工智能和机器学习已经表明,计算机系统能够处理和改进各种业务流程,有时还能将传统上由个人完成的任务自动化。 然而,对于某些类型的软件相关发明是否确实可以获得专利,各个司法管辖区都有法律要求。 包括人工智能和机器学习解决方案的专利申请,以及其他类型的软件,必须有足够的能力。


  • 今天,医疗设备行业包括众多不同的产品--从手术机器人系统到改进的导管,再到人工智能辅助的成像设备--因此在开发新的医疗技术方面发挥着关键作用,以提高医疗从业者诊断和治疗疾病的能力。

    Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt律师事务所的律师认识到,在适当的时候,既要保护医疗器械,又要保护其配方和/或使用。 我们在医疗设备行业起草了大量的申请,并为我们的客户带来了有利的结果。

  • Our specialized intellectual property law firm has extensive experience in providing strategic counsel and representation to automotive clients. From securing patents for cutting-edge technologies to enforcing trademarks and trade secrets, we are dedicated to safeguarding our clients' innovations and assisting them in maximizing the value of their intellectual property assets within the dynamic landscape of the automotive sector.

  • The consumer products industry is a dynamic and competitive sector, driven by innovation and brand recognition. Intellectual property protection is essential for consumer product companies seeking to safeguard their innovations, trademarks, and trade secrets. Our specialized intellectual property law firm is well-versed in the unique challenges faced by consumer product companies, offering comprehensive legal services tailored to their specific needs. From securing patents for innovative products to enforcing trademarks and protecting against counterfeiting, our experienced team is dedicated to helping clients navigate the intricate landscape of intellectual property law in the consumer products industry, ensuring their valuable assets are fully protected.

  • The energy industry is a dynamic and highly regulated sector that is constantly evolving to meet the world's growing energy needs. Intellectual property plays a crucial role in this industry, as companies strive to protect and capitalize on their innovative technologies and renewable energy solutions. Our specialized intellectual property law firm understands the unique challenges faced by energy companies and offers comprehensive legal services tailored to safeguarding and maximizing the value of their intellectual property assets, including patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. With our expertise, we assist clients in navigating the complex landscape of energy-related intellectual property law, ensuring their innovations remain protected and profitable.

  • PKH is dedicated to safeguarding groundbreaking advancements in materials science. With a deep understanding of the intricate nexus between technology and intellectual property, our team navigates complex landscapes to secure and protect material innovations. From patents to trade secrets, we offer comprehensive legal expertise to ensure that cutting-edge materials and processes remain at the forefront of technological progress while safeguarding intellectual property rights.

  • PKH is experienced in crafting strategic legal frameworks, securing patents, and fortifying proprietary manufacturing methodologies. Our team is committed to preserving the competitive edge of manufacturing innovations, ensuring that such processes remain shielded under the robust umbrella of intellectual property protection, thereby empowering our clients to thrive in a dynamic industrial landscape.

  • The chemical industry plays a pivotal role in global innovation and economic development, driving advancements in various sectors. PKH is dedicated to safeguarding the inventive contributions of chemical companies through comprehensive legal services. From patent protection to litigation support, we specialize in ensuring that our clients' innovations remain secure in this dynamic and competitive landscape.

  • In the rapidly evolving landscape of military and defense, intellectual property is paramount. PKH specializes in protecting the innovative technologies and solutions developed by companies in this sector. From securing patents to advising on strategic IP management, we are committed to safeguarding the advancements that contribute to recreation and security.