Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP是一家位于乔治亚州亚特兰大地区的知识产权精品律师事务所。 该事务所致力于在知识产权的建立、执行和辩护方面为其客户提供服务。   


本所旨在成长、培养和指导知识产权法领域的新代理人和律师。 我们相信新的从业人员存在机会,我们有独特的能力在一个允许他们以可持续的速度工作和学习的环境中教导下一代从业人员,在一个鼓励的环境中提出问题,扩大他们服务客户的能力,并欣赏该领域中技术和法律的混合。   


With its warm weather and high quality of life, “The City in a Forest” is the largest city in the Southeast, and is one of the six largest cities in the United States. Atlanta is home to a burgeoning start-up scene and an impressive collection of multi-national companies, such as Coca-Cola, UPS, CNN, Delta Airlines, The Home Depot, Equifax, Cox Enterprises, among others. Due to an abundant supply of top-tier technological talent, Atlanta also has large regional offices of Honeywell, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Kimberly-Clark, and Salesforce. Atlanta has been recognized as one of the top regions for intellectual property legal services, ranking among the likes of Washington DC, San Francisco, and New York.